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19 October 2022

5 interesting facts about autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the world's most rapidly growing developmental disorders. According to Statista's John Elflein, Singapore ranks ninth in the world in terms of reported autism cases in 2022, with 67 per 10,000 children.1

Here are five interesting facts about autism:

Fact #1

10% of autistic people are thought to have special abilities in areas such as music, art, mathematical calculations, memory, and manual dexterity. The majority of people, on the other hand, may excel in areas related to their special interests. These skills are often referred to as 'splinter skills', because they are normally inconsistent with skills in other areas of development.

Fact #2

People with ASD are said to be emotionless and incapable of showing affection. This has been proven to be false. Due to differences in how they process sensory information and understand social cues, neurotypicals and neurodiversities may show emotions and affection in different ways.

Fact #3

Every autistic child is unique in their own way. There are no two children with autism who exhibit the same symptoms. Early intervention therapists must be trained and knowledgeable about the various teaching strategies for autistic children. The way a child is taught should be based on what he or she needs in order to learn useful language and ideas that will help them reach their full potential.

Fact #4

If autism symptoms are detected in a child at an early age and the appropriate type of early intervention is provided, the child has a good chance of living successfully, working, and contributing to society, just like any neurotypical individual. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Andy Warhol, and Bill Gates are all thought to be autistic.

Fact #5

Many people are unaware that umbilical cord stem cells have shown promising results in the treatment of childhood autism when it comes to autism research. A recent research study led by renowned cord blood expert Dr Joanne Kurtzberg found significant improvements in children with autism when umbilical cord blood was infused into patients as a form of treatment.2

This article was written by Emuna House:

Emuna House is an inclusive, child-centred learning organisation. They provide programmes designed for both typical and atypical children from as young as 15 months to 14 years of age, particularly for children who are on the Autism Spectrum. These programmes focus on building and strengthening base skills to allow progress to mainstream schooling and to better participate in society. All their programmes have Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy principles and techniques at their core. This approach enables them to discover and improve each child’s base skills, and repeat. Progress is made with gradual, but consistent, adaptation, fine-tuning, and goal-setting. They follow the progress of each child meticulously and encourage open communication between their team and their children’s families. They work together to provide a well-balanced and strong support system for the child as he or she learns to navigate the world.

Contact Information: +65 9012 4694


1. Elflein J. Autism rates among children by country page. Statista website. Accessed February 26, 2021. 

2. Dawson G, Sun JM, Baker J, et al. A Phase II Randomized Clinical Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Umbilical Cord Blood Infusion for Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2020;222:164-173.